Moyenne & Grande Sections
(Fours and Fives)

Back to School Phase In

Transitioning to a new school year is very exciting, and like most new things, is also an adjustment! Teachers return to school on August 26 to prepare for la rentrée. They will send welcome letters to your children that week and remind you of the various steps of our phase in, including specific timings. You will find all you need to do for a smooth and gradual transition listed below.


Actions Required by Wednesday, August 21

Phase In Dates

  • This is a pivotal step in building the home-school connection, and for your child to become familiar with the space before the start of school. During this 30 minute visit, your child will come in for a special project and tour their new classroom. Teachers will send group schedules during the week of August 26th. If your child is new to the school and you feel it would support your child's adaptation, we encourage you to contact the teachers to schedule an individual classroom visit.

    MS Students: please bring a labeled crib sheet & a small blanket. These will be sent home every Friday to be washed and returned on Monday.

    • Students should be dropped off at their usual time and picked up at 12:00pm.

    • Pack a snack. They will not eat lunch at school.

  • Pack snacks and lunch.

  • Pack an extra labeled snack for Garderie!

  • Bring a blanket, your favorite picnic snacks, and enjoy a day under the sun. We’ll have activities for the kids and there’s a playground nearby.

    Time: 9:30am–12:30pm
    Location: more info coming soon!