When Children Should be Kept Home

Children should be kept home:

  • When a fever is present (100.4 F);

  • Has unexplained rashes;

  • Has vomited;

  • Is suffering from diarrhea;

  • Has Conjunctivitis (pink eye) or other contagious diseases such as Chicken Pox, Lice, Impetigo or Ringworm.

  • Please keep your child home when mucus from a cold is extensive or cloudy.

If a child has vomited, registers a fever or has had diarrhea, the student must be kept home for 24 hours to establish the child is well enough to return to school.

If a student has a contagious disease such as Chicken Pox, Impetigo, Ringworm or Pinkeye, parents must obtain a doctor’s note stating the student is well enough to return to school. Students who have contracted communicable diseases must be reported within 24 hours to the Director so she can inform the school community and the Department of Health, if required.

Students who are prescribed antibiotic therapy should be on the medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school to ensure that she/he is no longer contagious. Children who have lice must be treated before they return to school. Every effort will be made to inform all parents in the school when any student contracts a communicable disease.